The Plasma Fibroblast Pen is one of the latest cosmetic procedures that is used to combat sagging skin, collagen loss, and wrinkles. As we start getting older, the skin’s dermal layer will become thinner. We also start producing less collagen which results in a loss of elasticity. The Plasma Pen is a procedure that targets different skin conditions which include wrinkles, sagging, scars, and more.
What Is The Plasma Fibroblast Pen?
The Plasma Pen is the most non-invasive and advanced skin tightening, rejuvenation, and skin lifting device that is widely used for treating dull skin, sagging, and wrinkles. When performed by a trained technician, the device will be CE and FDA-approved. The technique works on stimulating collagen production in your skin.
A trained, certified and experienced technician will use this device in order to deliver what is known as soft-surgery, plasma fibroblasting. The technique dramatically resurfaces, lifts, regenerates and tightens the targeted area of skin, providing instant results.
This device changes energy into diatomic gaseous molecular nitrogen. It then transmits this energized gas to the surface of the skin in a non-contact way from above. This results in micro-trauma to the epidermal layer (top layers) while at the same time disrupting ad heating the deep dermal structures through thermal conduction.
The procedure produces favorable results for just about any area of skin that you can think of. The most common areas include the neck regions and the face. Here is a list of some of the areas that fibroblasting can be used on:
• Crow’s feet (around the eyes)
• Accordion line, which are lines that develop outside of your mouth when smiling
• Acne scars, the procedure can improve the overall appearance of scars
• Jawline and jowl tightening
• Forehead lines
• Smile lines/ nasal labial, which are the folds that appear from each side of your nose that run downwards towards your mouth
• Smoker’s lines, which are the vertical lines that develop around your mouth
• Lower and upper eyelids, for hoods and bags
• Stretchmarks
Cosmetic Surgey Vs. Plasma Fibroblast Pen
• No injectable anesthesia is needed
• No ablation or cutting of your skin
• No scars or stitches
• The procedure is low risk and linked to side effects that are minimal
• The downtime is a lot shorter when compared to surgical treatments
• No risks involved with overcorrection and no asymmetries
• The results are long-lasting for around 3 years sometimes more
• Cost-effective
Plasma Pen Fibroblast results are usually impressive, yet it is still not an alternative to the surgical treatments in the case of severe to moderate skin laxity. At this stage, only surgery will achieve these types of results. However, after your first treatment, you should see instant tightening and cumulative improvements that will occur over the next 12 weeks. Depending on your goals and the area of skin that was treated, you might need a second or third session to achieve desirable results.